The French Kitchen: A Glimpse into Daily Food Preparation and Leisure Activities

The French kitchen is a hub of activity, where daily food preparation is not just a chore, but a cherished tradition. The French have a deep appreciation for food, and this is reflected in the time and effort they put into their meals. But how much time does the average French person spend in the kitchen each day? And how does this compare to the time spent on other leisure activities? Let’s delve into the French kitchen and explore these questions.

The French Kitchen: A Daily Ritual

According to a study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the average French person spends about 2 hours and 13 minutes per day on meal preparation. This is significantly higher than the OECD average of 1 hour and 41 minutes. The French take great pride in their culinary skills, and this is reflected in the time they dedicate to preparing meals. From sourcing fresh ingredients at local markets to meticulously preparing dishes, the French kitchen is a place of creativity and passion.

Leisure Activities in France

But the French kitchen is not just about food preparation. It’s also a place for socializing and leisure. The French spend a considerable amount of time at the dining table, enjoying meals with family and friends. According to the same OECD study, the French spend about 2 hours and 11 minutes per day eating and drinking, which is also above the OECD average.

When it comes to other leisure activities, the French spend about 2 hours and 34 minutes per day watching television, and about 30 minutes per day reading. This is less than the time spent on meal preparation and dining, reflecting the importance of food in French culture.

Balance Between Food Preparation and Leisure

While the French spend a significant amount of time in the kitchen, they also value balance. They understand the importance of taking time for leisure activities and relaxation. This balance is reflected in the French concept of ‘art de vivre’ or ‘the art of living’, which emphasizes enjoying the simple pleasures of life, including good food and good company.


The French kitchen is a testament to the country’s love for food and its importance in daily life. The time spent on meal preparation and dining is a reflection of the value the French place on food, not just as sustenance, but as a way to bring people together and enjoy life. So, whether it’s preparing a gourmet meal or enjoying a leisurely dinner with family, the French kitchen is truly the heart of the home.