Q&A Blog

Kohlrabicremesuppe with sweet and sour radishes

The original recipe comes from the essen & Trinken 4/2011 and is prepared with plenty of milk and cream. I have the recipe for the 4-hour ......

Chili con/sin carne with giblets

A colorful mix of beans and vegetables - all charf - the epitome of Slow Carb. As a cool opponent, there is a quick ......

Soup - soup again and again

Today is a perfect day for soup again. After a long day of work with NO lunch break (but a 2-hour conference call from 13 to 12pm) ......

Baby, there is a hack (pan)!

Sometimes animalistic instincts just come over me and I want HACK. If it's supposed to be meat (and with Slow Carb you can go ......